Appointments:Book online or call 519-570-1655
Our phones are answered:
Please call during these hours to book appointments if you have a medical concern or are replying to a message that was left for you. Our staff do not give telephone advice.
Please only leave appointment cancellation messages on our machine. All other messages will not be returned.
When medically appropriate, we will send information to you by email. If you are interested in this, please fill out an email consent form at the office. Email is not to be used for communication with your physician. INCOMING EMAILS WILL NOT BE MONITORED FOR MEDICAL QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS.
We require 24 hours notice for cancellation of appointments. You will be charged $40.00 to $70.00 for missed appointments.
Please notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment, so another patient may be accommodated in that time slot. You may leave a message on our answering machine after hours to cancel appointments.
If you have a virtual visit, the doctor will try to reach you both through the virtual visit platform as well as by phone. If the doctor is unable to reach you, then you will be charged the missed appointment fee. Please make sure your phone is able to receive calls from blocked numbers so that your physician can reach you.
421 Greenbrook Drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2M 4K1
Phone: 519-570-1655
Fax: 519-570-3477
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